And then there were 3
Here is the headline, Jimmy, Paul and David left the band. David “Evad” Gonzalez only came back to play the last four shows after Sebastian quietly departed after playing only 2 in BPB 2.0. David stepped in to finish the year so we could complete the last four shows. Jimmy Cavanaugh after founding the band in 2015, decided he no longer wanted to a part of the active band and wanted to step back to a more casual and part time role behind the scenes. Paul Wilhelm then announced to the rest of BPB that he too, was leaving. Ellen, Lisa and Rob had a decision, do they enjoy what was BiPolar Bear and close the book or figure out a way to find a new rehearsal space, find 2 new guitarists, a drummer and rebuild the band. Not wanting to give up and with Jimmy’s blessing and support, they decided to give it a shot…..And then there were three starting nearly from scratch. Ellen, Lisa and Rob were determined that BPB was not done!
2024 was a satisfying and yet difficult year for BPB, having disbanded BPB 1.0 in September of 2023, and slowly rebuilding it by Ellen never leaving and welcoming back Lisa; BPB 2.0 after months of rehearsal and some auditions, played its first live show with a new lead guitarist (Sebastian Marecki) and drummer (Paul Wilthhelm) in April of 2024 at our home bar, Pub 78. That was followed by a crazy fun show at Bannerman’s in Bartlett where we had to provide our own sound (Jake “from State Farm” Helm did a marvelous job on short notice). Turbulence hit as Sebastian quietly exited (still not sure why he did not return) and David stepped in with the stipulation that it was only for the 4 shows scheduled and he woud leave when the last show in November was done. Each of those 4 shows were really fun and exciting, playing Westchester Party in the Park (opening for the True Villains) , Bugsy’s in McHenry, opening for our buddies Eleven at Heroes West in Lemont and having a banger at Pub 78 on November 2 to close the year. Soon after, Jimmy leaves, Dave was out all ready and then Paul informed the band he too was leaving. Note, all of these exits are friendly and other than disappointment, we still consider all three of those cats part of the BPB universe. Jimmy wants to help book shows and fill in at practice while occasionally joining us on stage here and there. David as always fills in if needed and Paul helped us with auditions for BPB 3.0. We will miss them in their spots with the band, but the friendship usurps band stuff.
So now what? First step was finding a rehearsal space. BPB rehearsed at the Goshen Lounge, Jimmy and Jen Cavanaugh's kindly designed garage which was perfect for the band. With him out, he was in no rush to push us out, but we had to find somewhere to go. Rob called frequent BPB collaborator and his cousin and neighbor, Jerry Madsen who has guest sang with BPB at three of the last 4 shows. Jerry has been in a band for 50 years and rehearses with his band in his very large basement. Rob asked him (and his amazing wife Shelly) if they would consider allowing the band to practice there. In less than a couple for hours Jerry and Shelly said yes. On November 19th, BPB 2.0 moved the rehearsal space with Rob Blair coordinating and transporting most of the big equipment (note Jimmy, Dave and Paul all helped move, despite leaving the band). Jimmy informed Rob that he knew a guitarist who might be interested, Keith Taddei. Rob also e-mailed a guitarist from Craig’s list named “Left Handed Pete.” LHP was not interested but he recommended his friend “Mike.” Both Mike and Keith were at the last show of the year, we knew Dave was leaving, did not know Jimmy was.
Meanwhile, Rob contacted his bass teacher, Tim Egan (this video will embarrass him!) who knew of a drummer who was looking to join another band. That brave soul is Kevin Vesel, who is the drummer in Like A Stone, a very cool cover band. Mike came out first, then Keith and Kevin in the same evening and it just seemed right. Each of them was offered a spot, acepted and sworn the secret oath of the order of BPB!
So, here we go, ladies and gentleman, BPB 3.0!
We can not wait to get back out there, soon.
And now there are six -- (Ellen, Lisa & Rob, now joined by Kevin, Keith and Mike).