Lisa, closed her eyes fearing that Sebastian's lightning fast fingers may blind her.
Associate member Colleen Cavanaugh thinking, "Why do I have to stand next to my Dad?"
That is great after show picture! Cavanaugh power, baby!
Finally a picture with Paul in it - tough being hidden behind everybody and the drums.
HOT CROWD - Literally, the bass player sweated 9 pounds off!
Special guest Jerry Madsen contemplating biting his cousin's melon like head!
She should not have to stand next to her Dad, because she is a freakin' ROCK STAR!!!
The Great Katie Redmond belts out "Make It Sweet."
"No I will not pull your finger Rob, I am in the middle of a solo you dork!"
Some pictures are so precious that a caption is not necessary.
Colleen feeling it as she delivers the scandolous "Flagpole Sitta."
Yes that is a banana on stage, I really can't explain it, but if you were there, you would have understood.
For Lisa's own mental health, she refuses to acknowledge that dork is in the band!
Finally a picture of Paul as Billy "the barrel" looks on!
Busting out "Heartbreaker."
Sebastian contemplating just what the f**k he has gotten himself into.
Batman angle of the dork bassist and his much older but more handsome brother.
The crowd stuck around even for the second set!
Seriously, what is up with the bananas?
"That's all folks." - Till next time, thanks so much!! BPB 2.0 (with associate member, Collen Cavanaugh, special guest, Jerry Madsen and (not pictured) Katie Redmond!